Supporting The Graduating Class of 2021

Overcoming Challenges During the 2020-2021 Academic School Year

All students have experienced many unforeseen challenges in this academic school year.   As a private therapist and school social worker, I have noticed that some students have experienced challenges in being able to focus and stay motivated using the remote learning model. Students reported that they prefer in person learning because it is easier to self-advocate and receive the academic support.

Students are learning that life is full of unexpected challenges.  Thus, it is crucial that students learn how to cope with stress in order to become resilient.  As a private therapist, I have seen many young people experience high levels of anxiety and depression during this time of crisis due to the pandemic. 

Teach Teenagers & Young Adults About Resilience

Self-Care & Self-Kindness

When I was a school social worker in a high school setting, I observed that many teens and young adults have lots of identity questions while also trying figure out their dreams and goals post high school.  Because this could be a stressful stage in life, it’s important to teach this population about self-care and self-kindness in order to maintain  a well-balanced mental health.

Self-Kindness As Told By a Plant

Re-framing The Way Success Is Viewed

It is crucial to empower the Gen Z population as they begin to plan their future. The goal is to assist this population to become independent adults by giving them specific tools that they can use.  However, there is often a false perception that the road to success is a straight linear path going upward, but that is far from the truth. In order to grow, people need to experience failure. Therefore, teenagers and young adults need to be taught that failure is a natural process when trying something new or embarking a new goal.

Success Is Not Linear

Share Relatable Stories

As a private therapist, who works with teens and young adults, I decided to interview some of my peers (Mojdeh, Ashley, and Ryan). I asked them questions about their experiences while they were transitioning from being teenagers to young adults. Additionally, I asked the interviewees to share the advice that they would give to their younger self. I have had clients listen to these interviews and reflect on their own experiences. By doing this type of activity, then teens and young adults are more likely to create their own SMART goals about their future.

Engage In Storytelling When Trying to Connect with Teens/Young Adults


Even though there were many adversities that occurred this academic school year, teenagers and young adults have learned to embrace adversity, failure, and flexibility. Therefore, teachers, parents, school social workers, and therapists need to engage in storytelling to empower the Gen Z population as they are in the process of formulating their goals post high school.

The Road to Success