Develop Your Emotional Intelligence Part 1


Emotional intelligence (EI) is being able to understand, use, and manage your own emotions; in addition to this, it also means being able to understand the emotions of others and demonstrating empathy to develop positive relationships. In a three part series, I will share strategies to help you further develop your EI.


It is the ability to objectively evaluate yourself and identify your strengths and weaknesses. For instance, do your values align with your behaviors? When a person is self-aware, then you can improve on skills that need further work. It also raises level of happiness by aligning your ideas with your actions. Self-awareness allows you to identify, process, and reflect on your current thoughts and feelings. When a person is self-aware, then stress can decrease because the correct coping skills can be used.


The ability to self-regulate emotions during stressful situations is empowering. Stress in life is inevitable and everyone faces stressors. Therefore, having the ability to apply coping skills and self-advocate when challenging situations arise is a sign of maturity and emotional intelligence. Now every human being is imperfect, and therefore, applying coping skills consistently at all times is not realistic. However, it is important to try your best.


Motivation is the need or desire to do something. There are different types of motivations. It is important that you understand the Maslow Hierarchy of needs to determine where is your current motivation level. The level of motivation may change depending on circumstances.


To make growth in your emotional intelligence it is important you do the following:

  1. Self-evaluate continuously
  2. Identify strengths and weaknesses
  3. Practice healthy coping strategies regularly
  4. Identify your motivators in life

Try these strategies and find a method to measure your growth. It could writing in a diary or using an app (e.g., Mood Meter or Daylio) to track your growth over time. Then share your accomplishments with people who genuinely support you and celebrate your growth.