Resilient Teen During COVID-19 (Part 3)

This summer, I spent some time interviewing and listening to adolescents’ points of view regarding the Corona Virus and being students during this time.  Many teens have learned to re-frame their thoughts in order to overcome adversity.  It is important that parents model positive behaviors at home because children and adolescents are observing how parents react to stressful situations.  Life is often full of surprises and inevitable stress, and therefore, it is a strength to learn how to become positive and flexible thinkers during adversity.  Although, it’s perfectly fine to have a bad day or to experience grief when traumatic events occur; however, it is not healthy to stay stressed for a long period of time.  Teens need to be taught how to reflect and handle stressful situations as they return to school (full-time back to school, hybrid, or remote learning models).  Therefore, in this interview, Grace shares her thoughts and feelings about COVID-19.  Grace shares how she has been resilient and what she has learned from this experience.