Cooking At Home and Improve Your Mental Health

As I spent more time at home due to COVID-19, I used this time to reflect and analyze healthy lifestyles in order to maintain a balanced mental health.  More specifically, I decided to analyze my eating habits.  I grew up in a household where homemade meals were cooked on a daily basis. On the weekends, my mother would take me out to eat as a treat.  Because of these experiences, I learned that it is possible to make time to cook healthy meals if you make it a priority.  Just like most women, my mother worked full-time at 2 different jobs, but she consistently made time to fuel her body with the right vitamins and food groups to keep herself and her family healthy.  Therefore, in this blog, my mother, Maria Klimecko, shared images and recipes to provide you with ideas.  Eating at home is a healthy lifestyle for many reasons.