The Power of Laughter


In this short blog, learn about the positive impact that laughing has on your health. It has been proven that laughing boosts your immune system, relieves pain, and it improves your mood. Some of the videos embedded in this blog will provide further details on the impact that laughter has on your biopsychosocial well-being. Then there is a TedX video where you can sit back, listen, and enjoy comedic entertainment to apply the skill of laughter in the present moment. In the end, I recommend two podcasts from the Hidden Brain that will provide in-depth information on the physiology of laughter.

Learn which parts of the brain are activated when laughing

Improves the Immune System

On average, humans laugh 17 times a day. It has been proven that laughing improves your immune system. For instance, when you are laughing it releases neuropeptides (oxytocin and dopamine) that help to fight feelings of stress. It is known to be the best stress reliever, and therefore, improves the function of your immune system.

Neuropeptides are released when laughing
Learn more about the immune system by watching this short clip

Relieves Pain

According to Medical News Today, a team of Swiss researchers found that people who are laughing can have increased pain tolerance. A hypothesis is that laughing releases endorphins, which alleviates muscle tension.

Watch this short TedTalk that will make you laugh

Improves Mood

There is a relationship between laughing and improving mental health. When you are laughing, it helps you to relax and recharge your energy. Therefore, it decreases the feelings of anxiety, anger, or sadness while you are laughing. If your mood is more stable, then it clears your mind and you are able to make better decisions. Additionally, laughter is contagious and it may bring you closer to your social groups by engaging in laughter together.

Recommended Podcasts

To apply the skill of laughter, here are some recommended Podcasts that you can listen to while driving to work or while you are at home:

Try to engage in laughter regularly to improve your overall well-being. By engaging in laughter with others around you, then it will have a positive impact on your relationships.