Part 2: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence in Relationships


A significant part of emotional intelligence is relationship management. People with high emotional intelligence know how to maintain good relationships by communicating, inspiring, and influencing others. A motivational speaker that I often listen to is Jay Shetty; he used to be a monk and now he is a writer, speaker, and creates short videos that teaches people strategies. In this short blog, I have compiled the best videos that Jay has created on relationships.

Types of Relationships

There are different types of relationships (e.g., acquaintances, friends, family, and romantic partner) that a human being can develop. Humans crave interactions with people because humans are social creatures. Therefore, it’s important that healthy strategies are developed to create and maintain long-term positive relationships with people. It’s not about the quantity of people, but rather, the quality of people that you choose to develop strong and meaningful relationships.

Clip #1

This first clip by Jay teaches you basic, but fundamental skills to create and retain relationships.

The clip above teaches you the following:

  1. Be someone who can make yourself happy
  2. Press pause to engage in a conversation with the people around you
  3. Minimize engaging in avoidant behaviors when trying to address difficult conversations
  4. Assess and evaluate the love language of the other person
  5. Engage in acts of service and help others

Clip #2

In life, you will develop relationships with people who only stay for a chapter of your book, while others stay until the end of your book. However, every type of friendship will teach you something about yourself. Ensure that you take the time to reflect and to learn from the people who are no longer part of your book, so you develop character, strength, and value. Remember, some people are like “leaves”—they come and go. While others are like “roots” in your life; spend more of your energy and time with the people who are roots in your life!

Clip #3

Currently, we all live in a society that everything can be found instantly. However, with relationships there should be continuous work to maintain and to make it grow. All types of relationships take lots of work! Therefore, Jay shares in the video below that it is important to engage in meaningful conversations with people and go out of your way to build that closeness. Social media has many benefits like allowing you to stay superficially in touch with people, but it is not the same as seeing someone eye to eye in person and engaging in a productive conversation that fulfills your soul with positivity.


There are different forms of relationships you can form. When you are around people, ensure that you are present and engage in active listening to form positive relationships.