Six Healthy Habits You Can Do In The Morning


In this short blog, I will share six healthy habits that I do regularly in order to ensure that I stay healthy emotionally, mentally, and physically. My hope is that you find these tips helpful and applicable to your life, so you can be the best version of yourself.

Drink Water

When I wake up in the morning, I start by drinking lots of water. In the morning, I naturally feel thirsty, so instead of drinking sugary juices, I have noticed that water is the most beneficial for my body. It gives my body the opportunity to break down food and curve my appetite. Water allows for toxins to be broken down, and as a result, it has a positive impact on mental health. Lastly, water also hydrates your skin, which allows you to look youthful.

Make Your Bed

After drinking water, I always to make my bed. It is a small task that gives me a sense of accomplishment. I enjoy coming home from work to a bed that is already organized.

Pray or Meditate

Early in the morning, I pray and meditate. It gives me a sense of purpose throughout the day. I have noticed that I am more creative when I pray and meditate, and in return, my productivity increases in all my job settings and in my personal life.

Call/ Talk To Someone You Love

All humans are social creatures who need interactions and relationships with others. Therefore, social interactions are crucial for improved mental health and decreasing anxiety and depression. I suggest that you identify key people in your life that build you up and fill you with positivity. It could be a parent, spouse, or a friend. Talking to people that you love naturally produces oxytocin in your body, which is a love hormone.

Drink Tea

I drink tea every morning once I get to work. I personally enjoy drinking green tea, lemongrass, chamomile, and peppermint.

Make A To-do List

Once I am at work, I spend the first 10-15 minutes thinking about what I need to accomplish for my day. I enjoy being able to cross out what I accomplish throughout the day. When you create a to-do list, it gives you a roadmap throughout the day.


Now figure out which habit(s) you want to apply to your life. Remember, start small, but stay consistent!